Making highlights to show your game
Sport and technology were always made unbreakable connection. This is especially noticed in the basketball industry.
Highlight had become very important (almost critical) factor for a basketball player to show his talent. In this article we will talk about basketball players highlights reels.
Who need highlights?
Absolutely all sports players need highlights, regardless of the quality and level of their competition.
On high level (NBA, Euroleague, World Championships, Olympic Games…) highlights are made by TV stations, media agencies or special services who work for that competition.
This videos are 1-2 minutes long, and lots of people are watching them. Also, very popular are top-10, top-5, best moves, play of the day and etc..
On medium level highlights are made mostly for player promotion. They are looking for better chance and progress in their careers, so highlight is the first step in that process.
When teams/coaches wants to recruit a new player, highlight is the easiest way for them to get that basic information. It’s much easier to see few minutes video than to watch full game.
Types of highlights:
When we talk about player’s highlights, there is few different types. Most popular are one game, multi game and full season highlights. Depends of quantities of video, all materials can put into one video or they can be spllited in a few shorter videos. For example, one video can be only for shots, next only for assists, defensive skills and so on.. There are lots of choices how to show it.
One game highlights – is the most popular, especially for good players who are able to score 25-30 points for one game. After such a good game, my big recommendation is always to make short film. It doesn’t require lot of time for making it, but it’s huge advantage in later promotion. These films need to have all the good moves from that game.
Multi-game highlights – as name said, this film is made from more then one game. Contains more clips and can be made from game selections. This type of film can be divided in categories, depends of quantities of the player’s games.
Full season highlights – this can be very long video, 15-20 minutes and must be divided in categories. Because it has lots of continent, clips must be precise selected and in final video goes only the best moves. This is most reliable video for teams and coaches.
Process of making highlights:
On first sight this looks like as easy process. But it’s not. First, requires patience and lot of time. Depending of number of the games this process sometimes requires hours and hours of work. It also requires both basketball and IT (information technology) knowledge. The 2nd important thing is a good software.
On the market we have specialized softwares only for basketball scouting report, but 99% of video processing softwares can do this job. I like to use Adobe Premier, but “Corel Video Studio” and “Final Cut” are also very good programs too.
First step is to watch all the games, one by one and cut short sequences. After that we must do selection of the cutted clips and sort them by categories.
Next step is to make full selection and decision what will go in the final video. When this step is done, we can add to that some graphics, effects, titles, transitions, and of course some background music. Final step is exporting it to a final video.
Why highlights need to be done by a professional?
If you want to have quality and good looking highlights it must be done by someone who is a video professional. Professionals can look on a game with different eyes so they can see much more than the average viewer. Also, they know what coaches want and look for. Those video professionals can offer them a video that will be simple, precise and functional.
Because of that, my recommendation for a player who is interested to get recruited by a professional team is to hire some specialist to make his own highlight film. This is the best and the safest way to get good and quality videos for promotion.
Who can make this highlights?
IBC Scout is reliable internet service who is specialized for promotion of basketball players. Also, our scouts and video analyzers are experts in the field of video processing, with a good graphic design and visual appearance. We have a precise model for each player to make him a suitable film, and also do nearly everything demanded by a client.
Except highlights we make all kind of videos, such as short promos, workouts, full games, scouting reports (video & text ), basketball CV’s and more.
Here you can upload your highlights and films to showcase your talent to professional teams.
Here are some examples for great highlights:
Slaven Cupkovic
Kosta Jankovic
Petar Radojicic
The post was written by Nikola Stanic, IBC Scout founder
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